The Simple Mistakes That Cost Your Travel Agency Big Bucks

The last decade has seen a lot of turbulence for professionals in the travel industry. Economies have shifted, technology has expanded, and people are more connected with the world than ever before. It’s an exciting time to be a travel advisor, but today’s travel professionals face high stakes. Triple check that you aren’t making any of the common blunders that could cost you time, money, and ultimately your business. 

Mistake #1: Not Prioritizing Outstanding Customer Service

You are not a human booking website, so don’t act like one. Personalized customer service that only an expert can provide is the reason travellers continue to book their getaways with you, and not on the web. 

Successful travel businesses keep this fact at the heart of everything they do. Do you start your conversations with “Where? When? How many?” like a booking engine, or do you dig deeper into the “Why?” and find ways to wow your clients accordingly? 

Mistake #2: Building Itineraries the Hard Way

Tedious work can’t be avoided in the travel consulting world. Or can it? 

This week, keep a log and find out exactly how much time you’re spending on menial work like building proposals and itineraries the old-fashioned way. Then, use our Productivity Boost Calculator to find out just how much of your time could be put to better use if you work smarter, not harder. 

Mistake #3: Not Following Up 100% of the Time

Successful travel advisors focus on fostering long-term client relationships by providing service that goes beyond a transaction. An emotional connection to a brand will lead clients to stay longer, spend more cash, and refer their friends more often.

So go out of your way to check in with your clients just before their trip, upon their return, and a few months later to start planning future travel. Keep in touch with travel news and inspiration for exciting destinations they might be interested in. Attentive, personalized service will continue to set you apart from the competition. 

Mistake #4: Giving Away Your Clients

Successful travel advisors put a lot of thought into branding their clients’ experience from start to finish. Ask yourself if every interaction highlights your brand or bombards your client with promotions for your partners. 

Will your clients use an airline’s website to check-in? Does their hotel booking information include promotions for direct booking perks? Whose logo is on your clients’ trip itinerary?

Make sure you’re not sending your hard-earned clientele into the arms of other travel providers. Umapped solutions are white-labelled to ensure your clients interact with your brand through every stage of their travel. 

Mistake #5: Being Out of Touch with Technology

Think senior clients aren’t interested in high-tech travel hacks? Think again. Like it or not, technology and connectivity have become an important part of almost everyone’s travel experiences. 

From convenient flight change notifications and web check-ins to collaborative trip planning tools (not to mention ride-share apps, Google maps, and even passport-free airports!), make sure you understand how your clients use tech to enhance their getaways.

Learn more about how Umapped can help you boost productivity and increase your sales! Start your free trial today. 


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