4 Ways Umapped Can Help You Retain Customers and Grow Your Business


Retaining your existing customers should be a primary focus of your business efforts. Research shows that existing customers are somewhere between 3 and 12 times more likely to make a purchase compared to new customers. Improving your customer retention by 5% can boost profits by upwards of 25% (and in fact, it costs your business 5 times as much to acquire a new customer as it does to keep an existing customer).

The thing is, customer retention is a tricky business, especially in the travel industry, where statistics show that frequent travellers are among the most likely customers to switch airlines, hotels, and other travel providers.

So how do travel professionals get their customers to stick around? The key, it turns out, is building a relationship of trust. In a time of advertisement overload, 9 out of 10 consumers will trust personal recommendations from their social circles as well as consumer reviews sourced online. What’s more, consumers who have an emotional connection with a brand stay longer, spend more money, and refer their contacts to that brand more often than those without an emotional connection.

All of this means that the more you focus on tailoring your service to your existing clients’ needs, the more your business and profitability will grow organically — cue Umapped’s travel solutions.

Umapped’s Trip Publisher is a collaborative itinerary management tool with many in-app features that travel professionals can take advantage of to help leave a lasting positive impression with their clients.

How to use Umapped to Keep Your Clients Coming Back for More

1. Boost Your Brand Recognition

When your clients interact with their itinerary, your brand and contact information is front and centre. Every time they look at their booking information, check-in, read tips about their destination, and add their own reservations to their itinerary, your business stays top of mind.

And since clients can easily share their itineraries with curious co-workers, friends, and family members, you’ll be marketing to a broader network of people without having to lift a finger.

2. Make Communication Seamless

Encourage your clients to use the chat functions in their Umapped app. They can get in touch without navigating away from their travel information, and you can provide your hallmark customer service with the tap of a finger.

3. Get to Know Your Clients Better

Get in the habit of paying special attention to any additional reservations your clients make in their Umapped itinerary. You can use the new insight about their travel interests to follow up in a more personalized way as you keep your brand top of mind for their travel needs.

Try initiating a conversation about their future travel plans by asking questions like, “I noticed you booked tickets to a play on your getaway. Is Broadway on your travel bucket list?” Whether it’s landing a reservation for an exclusive tasting menu or finding a discount for their favourite golf course, your clients will notice that you’re tailoring your service to their unique needs and interests.

4.  Add a Personal Touch

Add a personal note to your clients’ itinerary which they can read while they’re travelling. Trip Publisher will allow you to attach your notes, photos, and videos to a specific date of your choice within the travel itinerary.

Does your client only have one day to experience a city? Why not add your personal recommendation for a restaurant to complement Umapped’s library of destination guides? Is it their first time travelling to Italy? Try making a quick list of Italian phrases you found helpful when you were in their shoes.

Be confident that you’re using Umapped’s travel solutions to their full potential. Register for our next interactive webinar to learn how to boost your productivity, your profitability, and the impact you leave on your clients.


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